On my last visit to Goodwill, I came across something that I have NEVER seen in a Goodwill before.

There was a cart filled with "things" to put out on the floor. As I passed the cart, I noticed a bag with what looked like fabric. But the bag was actually filled with Hankies!! Quite an assortment of hankies.

This souvenir scarf is in perfect condition.

Somehow I have a feeling there are folks out there who collect these type of souvenirs.
And I think these hankies are reminiscent of the 60's.

And this fine hanky still had the label attached (Carol Stanley Made in Switzerland).

I used to buy my daughter hankies when they were $1.00 each. Now the Antique shops are charging $2, $3 and up for one little hanky. This was a bonus prize find. The whole bag was $2.06. Thank you Goodwill!

Linking up with Coloradolady's
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Thrifty Things Friday and
Would you Buy it Wednesday.
Great find!!!
You indeed found some very vintage hankies. I have several that belong to my mother and other relatives. We never went anywhere without one.
Oh man what a find. Those are the kind of deals I look for at Goodwill and thrift shops. I love a bag of things, buttons, old unmatched jewelry. I use all these things on art and stitchery projects. Nice assortment.
These are so pretty...I love hankies and have a collection of them too...you lucked up on that bag at Goodwill, I've never found any at charity thrift stores before...I know you were tickled about it...I would have been too :)
Score! Hankies are one of my favorite "earthly delights" to collect!
I also sell them at the shops for $3-4 depends on the condition and design. Kid's one are more.
Oh, I would have so been doing the Happy Hanky Dance if I had seen those! LOL I have been collecting vintage hankies and one day when I have enough I am going to make a quilt top our of them. Great find! This would be a fun post to link to my Thrifty Things Friday party if you want to. The party will be up tonight. have a great day!
Oh you lucky lady!!!! I would have loved to come across this wonderful find!!!! I love vintage linens of any kind!!!!!!!
Definitely would have bought those. What a buy you got! My sister-n-law and I both collect vintage hankies. Those are beautiful.
What a GREAT find! Our Goodwill has gotten "on" to the vintage/antiques that come in, and has most of them in a separate section, priced WAY higher than the antique stores. Happy Thursday - Tanya
Woo Hoo!! Love hankies!! You def got a good deal on them!
I would have to buy that, just too fun:@)
That was a fantastic find! Way to thrift!
What a great find!
Great hankies at wonderful price. Wonderful find.
I am so glad you linked this up to TTF. I am still drooling over all those gogeous hankies! Have a great weekend!
Lucky find I seen on someones blog that they took them and folded in 3rds sewn the sides and use them for klennex holders in your purse somewhere in a box I have some I would like to make for fall craft shows
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