Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Valentine memories

Valentine's Day has come and gone, but the beauty of it lingers on.

 The roses are from my sweetheart. A beautiful shade of coral.

 The Rembrandt china belonged to my late mother-in-law.

Valentine Day memories are sweet to savor.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Puff, puff, puff


                                             Skywatch Friday   

                                            My Corner of the World 

Happy Valentines Day


Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. 

(Kay Knudsen)

Happy Valentine's Day

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Be my Valentine

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than a quiet breakfast for two.

"Be Mine" by Sandra Kuck

Rembrandt China 

I hope you have some lovely plans to spend time with your special Sweetheart.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

For the love of roses

I could not resist enjoying these beautiful roses.

Royal Patrician teacup - Staffordshire (England)

Niagara Parks Bone China teacup (England)

Redoute Rose China by Roy Kirkham (Made in England)

I love to sit out on our patio and listen to the water flowing over the fountain.

Sugar and Creamer - Forget Me Not Roses - Royal Albert (England)

I found the Teapot at Home Goods several years ago. David Michael China for Staffordshire (Made in England)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Winter blues

Yep, we all have them. After the hustle and bustle of the Christmas holidays, the cold sets in and we get the Winter blues.

I live in the Sunshine State, but we have not had a lot of sunshine nor warmth lately. Which makes me just a tad blue. So can I share some nice warm pictures with you, and we can all sit back and dream of the warm days ahead :-)

Now take a deep breath, and remember that Spring is just around the corner ;-)

                                             Skywatch Friday   

                                            My Corner of the World 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 Living in the Sunshine State we almost always have warm sunny weather. But not this winter. The weather has been relentless. It's been down to the 30's for several days.

We have a cousin who lives near Atlanta and this is what they woke up to.

Pretty but COLD!

                                            Skywatch Friday   

                                            My Corner of the World 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Yesterdays Roses

“I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.” 

Limoges "Old Abbey"

 A marriage of Haviland China and my Eggshell Nautilus.

I love my pretty Rose teacups, and what better way to use them but to share them with you!