Not too long after she arrived at the host house, I get a phone call.
"Mom, there is a dresser here that I want you to come see. It is really neat, but I need you to take a look at it."
Okay, I sez......
So I got myself together, drove out to the said house, and looked at the dresser. It was an old dresser, that had some very lovely detailing. It smelled though, which is usually a put off for me. But my daughter really wanted it, to house the mountain of clothes that has invaded her room.
The price was right, and I told her to do a google search on how to take the smell out of the furniture. I was sure there was a way to take the moth ball smell out, as most good antique stores have odor less pieces of furniture.
So this is what came to our house that afternoon.
My daughter found out that kitty litter is good for taking out the odor. She bought some kind of cat product and spread newspaper in each drawer, and let it sit for a couple of days. She used Murphy Soap oil, and then a furniture oil to give it a nice finish.
Joining Coloradolady's Vintage Thingie Thursday and
It looks great! What a wonderful piece of furniture! ♥
Very lovely! I have on old dresser that once belonged to my grandfather. I'm going to try the kitty litter tip. Thanks!
You have to hand it to your daughter, she made the right move that day. That chest looks all wood, which they do not make much anymore.
Good fine! Yes, I won't join in on a community sale anymore, lol...too much temptation.
This is a really nice chest of drawers. So glad she was able to get the smell out.
xo bj
Yes, I love finding a nice treasure for free or yard sale or thrift store! Your daughter did great. Thanks for sharing at The Thrifty Groove.
That is a beautiful piece. whenever I do a garage sale with a friend...we always switch some of what we intended on buying!!
Nice dresser. Hope the moth ball smell disappeared. Great job!Susan
I'm always delighted to find a nice piece of furniture at a yard sale, even if it needs a little TLC. So much better, than some of the brand new furniture!
Well, It looks like your daughter has a good eye for good furniture pieces! Way to go. I am glad th kitty liter worked. I have used that myself and I have used charcoal to get rid of the smell. Thankyou for joining TTF and have a wonderful weekend!
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