I've been on the hunt for vintage sheets for a couple of years. These are some that I found last year at the Hospice thrift store.

I've noticed that these great old sheets are becoming scarce in our area.
Last weekend I stopped in the local thrift store. As I looked through the linens, I came across this beauty.

I am hoping to make a quilt top using all different colors and designs from vintage sheets. It will certainly be soft and loved.
I have just finished a vintage sheet quilt. : )
I am collecting also. Yours is very soft and pretty.
Old soft sheets are really great. They take me back to climbing in bed with my grandmother on a hot summer night when she didn't have air condition and they would be so cooling. What was it about the old cotton ones that was so soft?
Great finds! I have several I have "saved" to do the same thing. But like you, they are getting harder and harder to find!! I always keep an eye out however for them.
Happy VTT!
I made a vintage sheet quilt for a friend of mine. It turned out wonderful! They are hard to find in my area, too. A couple of years ago they were everywhere.
I have not thought of looking for these. You were lucky finding such nice ones.
Those are all wonderful vintage sheet finds! I keep my eye out for them too.
I just LOVE vintage sheets!
Delightful. Beautiful designs. Well done.
Madison xxx
Lovely! I've never purchased any vintage sheets but now I'll have to keep an eye out for them!
Thanks for joining my linky party :-)
Your vintage sheets are very pretty! The patterns on them are so soft and feminine. I need to start looking for some! Lesa
I LOVE vintage sheets. I've been buying them for years to use for quilt backings. They really feel wonderful on a quilt. They're getting awfully scarce around here too....
You always set a pretty table ~ your last post!
I haven't looked for old sheets...maybe I should...na...already have too much stuff!!!
deb :)
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