Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The facts, just the plain facts!

Flowers and other blossoming plants have nectarines that produce sugary nectar. Worker bees suck up the nectar and water and store it in a special honey stomach. When the stomach is full the bee returns to the hive and puts the nectar in an empty honeycomb. Natural chemicals from the bee's head glands and the evaporation of the water change the nectar into honey.

Popcorn pops because water is stored in a small circle of soft start in each kernel. As the kernel is heated, the water heats, the droplets of moister turns to steam and the steam builds up pressure until the kernel finally explodes to many times its original volume.

In 1970, consumption of broccoli was only a half a pound per person. Today, the average person in the United States eats four and one half pounds a year.

The most popular sweet pepper in the United States is the bell pepper.

Peanuts are not actually nuts. Peanuts, like soybeans, are members of the legume family.

Heart valves from hogs are used to replace damaged or diseased human heart valves.

The eggshell may have as many as 17,000 tiny pores over its surface. Through them, the egg can absorb flavors and orders. Storing them in their cartons helps keep them fresh.

The bright orange color of carrots tells you they're an excellent source of Vitamin A, which is important for good eyesight, especially at night. Vitamin A helps your body fight infection, and keeps your skin and hair healthy.

In the United States, lettuce is the second most popular fresh vegetable.

There are about 7,000 cherries on an average tart cherry tree. It takes about 250 cherries to make a cherry pie, so each tree could produce enough cherries for 28 pies!

The first ice cream cone was made, served, and eaten in New York City on September 22, 1886. The maker, Italo Marchiony, was granted a paten on his cone mold in 1903.

Americans eat about 125 pounds of potatoes a year, about half from fresh potatoes and half in processed foods.

There are just some things in life that we need to know!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I've been growing Butterfly plants for several years.  This year I noticed this is the third time the caterpillars have stripped this plant.

Each time they feast, I've cut the stems back.
This is what they are eating on.

Today I counted 16 caterpillars!

But then again, this will be the lovely result!

Monday, September 22, 2014

My Pressed flower page

This shelf holds several very special teacups in my collection.  Let me tell you why.

This shelf and china holds a place in my heart because it belonged to my very BFF. She was an avid collector of anything tea related. She especially loved English bone china, and enjoyed finding some very pretty pieces. We had been best friends for 20 years. She was the type of friend who always had a smile and loved unconditionally.She was never too busy to spend a little time with you. On September 26, 2004, during one of the wildest hurricane seasons that Florida has experienced, my very dear friend rode the wave of Hurricane Jeanne into the arms of Jesus.

"In my book of memories there is a pressed flower that fills a page
With gentle fragrance lingering still,
Though it's faded now with age.

The way my friend smiled and laughed,
The many ways she cared,
Are a legacy that she left behind in stories I love to share.

So remember the hearts who've touched your life,
It's what we each are here for.
A pressed Flower gently reminds us
To love and treasure our friendships more."

I miss you Diana........ keep the pot warm.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Little Bit of Fall

Fall is in the air. Even though we live in the deep south I enjoy bringing the colors of Autumn indoors. I've been deep in a project, so I've not had any new table settings.  So I thought I would share this one from the past.

I found these beautiful Thomas Kinkade dishes at Marshall's a few years ago.

Stemware by Gorham 

The warm colors of fall are always so inviting.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Field of Flowers

On our last trip, we came upon this amazing field of sunflowers.  Such happy little faces.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Book Review

I was recently sent a book from Bethany House titled "Colliding with Destiny" by Sarah Jakes.  As a reviewer of new books being released, I have the opportunity to read them and give an honest review.

The title of this book perked my interest as the sub title was "Finding Hope in the Legacy of Ruth", speaking of the book of Ruth in the Bible.  I have always found that people like Joseph, Daniel, Esther and Ruth were high on my list of heroes of the faith.

When I started reading "Colliding with Destiny" I think I was expecting a much deeper study about the woman who lost it all.  The back cover states "the Story of Ruth is a journey of transformation." According to the cover synopsis, "Follow Ruth's life and discover the hope available to each of us."
While this is very much what I wanted to glean from this book, it's not what I found within it's pages.

This book would make a good 30 day devotional.  The chapters are short, ending with Journal notes and a prayer.  It was not, however a deeper study about the Moabite woman Ruth.  Sarah Jakes did a nice job of sharing her own testimony and experiences and paralleling it with Ruth's own journey.

A little disappointed in what I found?  Yes, but only from the stand point that I misunderstood the context of the book.  Miss Jakes makes her biographical parallel pertinent to the younger generation that may be coping with hurts and losses.  For them, this book may be a source of encouragement and strength.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Star Spangled Banner

Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Patriots Day

In the United States, Sept. 11 has become a day that haunts the nation of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Since the attacks, the day has been called Patriot Day or National Day of Service and Remembrance, and serves as a day to remember those who lost their lives. The day was passed by Congress on Oct. 25, 2001 and was signed into law by then President George. W. Bush. 

 "Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It’s a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It’s also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend–even a friend whose name it never knew." -- President George W. Bush

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A place far far away

The only time I have ever been to Europe, these were some of the amazing things we saw.

tight streets ................

Incredible sights.........................

and buildings that have been standing, untouched, since the 1400's.

hummmm....... let's see. Christopher Columbus was probably not even born when these buildings were built!

Pretty hard to fathom.

Loved all the outdoor cafes..............

Thanks for letting me reminisce.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

Last Tango of Summer

There are signs of fall hovering over blog land.  We don't have a change of season here in the Sunshine State, so I enjoy stretching summer out as long as I can.

 Yes, the fall colors may be finding it's way to my northern friends, but the summer days are still quite content here.

Pull up a chair and join me.