But then I went home. And I saw my piano. And I thought, hey, that picture would look really nice over the piano. So the weekend came and went, and I went back to the thrift store, fully expecting that picture to be gone.
I did not see it at first, and I was going to walk away from the area where the pictures are displayed. But I thought I would just take one more look.
And there, behind another larger picture was the sweet one I had seen.
These two little children just charmed their way into my heart. So the picture went home with me, and right on the wall above my piano.
But the next day, I was in the same area. I knew I did not need to go back to the thrift store, but I just thought I would run in there and look once again. No, I told myself, there really isn't anything else that I wanted. But self got the better of me, and I went anyway.
As I walked into the store, talking to myself the whole time (saying, what am I doing here again?), I saw it! Straight ahead on the wall.
I know this picture was not there the day before, so I walked over and took a look. It turns out to be a signed and number print by Sandy Lynam Clough. I took it down and looked it over. The custom frame has three mats. And of course it was still 50% off day, so the $14.99 price was had for $7.50.
So I took this little beauty home and hung it in my entry way.
Please be sure to stop by and visit the other Vintage Thingies on Colorado Lady's Vintage Thingie Thursday blog. It is always fun to see what treasures are in store for this week.
Happy Thriftin!
Great finds and great prices.
Love your prints! My mother-in-law has several of this type with the young ladies, and I've always loved them. Very romantic! Very vintage! Very good prices you got there!! Have a great weekend!
You made two very good selections on these pictures. They look really nice the way you displayed them.
What charming displays! Happy VTT!!
Susan and Bentley
Beautiful prints with perfects places to put them!
I had the very same print in a wooden frame. I gave it to Goodwill. I enjoyed it for many yrs, and then decided to pass it on for someone else to enjoy. Thanks for sharing yours, it looks great above the piano.
Both your finds are just wonderful..but I must say,the one with the quilt stole my heart. They look beautiful in their new home where you have them..Happy VTT..have a wonderful weekend.
I especially love the quilt photo, and you've arranged your wall quite nice.
You always know it was meant to be when you pass it up the first time and go back to find it still there waiting patiently for you to take it home and love it! Wonderful finds, Happy VTT!
Just love it when a find is meant to be. I went to a church thrift shop this week that I've been meaning to go to while I was walking the dog and saw that it would be open later that day and just had a feeling. Brought home a large printers drawer for $1!
I would have had a hard time passing up that picture of the boy and girl too. It's very charming! Glad it was still there when you went back. And what a sweet deal you got on the quilt picture!
About a year ago, I found a great picture of a little girl and a calico cat advertised for sale on Craiglist. It was in a fabulously gorgeous ornate frame. I called the seller and arranged a time to go see it. When I saw the picture in person, I felt like it was way too big for where I wanted to hang it so I didn't buy it. Now, since we have bought the "house in Hooterville," I have kicked myself at least a million times for passing it up because I could really use it now! ::sniff sniff:: I often wonder who ended up with it.
Great story! I like your prints.
That is so funny. I went to the thrift store today and fell in love with a picture. I kept looking at it and finally asked how much it was. They came back with a whopping 15.00! That made my decision. You got some great deals.
You made great choices with those two. I agree, I would have looked at anything with a quilt in it too. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on my vintage napkins. Love it when you stop by! Sandi
The picture of the children is very sweet, but the one with the quilt, naturally, is my favourite.
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