Monday, August 15, 2011

Tea for you, Tea for me

Whenever I visit a Tea Room, my friends and I usually enjoy tea served in our own individual tea pots.

So for today, I wanted to make my guests feel special by brewing their own special pot of tea.

There is an extra place. Will you join us??


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good afternoon and what a pretty tea you have for us today. The pink and white theme is very lovely. I love your plates and the tea-for-one set. What pattern is it? Your white tulips are gorgeous as well. Thank you for joining me for tea today and have a delightful week.


Elizabeth and Gary said...

Beautiful table and I love your tea sets, did I see tea for ones?. I collect tea cups, tea pots and tea for ones. I love all the different patterns and colors!
I will join you of course..a cup of Earl Gary please.
Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

Snap said...

Beautiful tea table and love all the tea pots! How nice to brew specially for each of your guests. Happy Tea Day!

Antiques And Teacups said...

Perfect! It looks just like a welcoming tea room! A lovely setting to honor friends.


Beautiful and romantic. I love the china and tea cups, ver pretty tablescape. Have a nice week. FABBY

Unknown said...

this is everything gorgeous!!! I would love to see you for Tea Party Tuesday (

~ Trish from Sweetology

Johanna Gehrlein said...

sure I would love to join such a pretty table. I love all your pretty china, you have a lot of wonderful things. Thank you for having me for tea. Would love you visit me.
Best greetings, Johanna

Micupoftea said...

I'd love to! Join you, that is! The table looks lovely and I really like the idea of individual teapots...I like to keep the tea coming and that way I can serve myself~ Great idea :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Such an elegant table with pretty white tulips. I'd love to join your tea party and like the idea of individual teapots. That way, we can have different kinds of tea.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Such a lovely and delicate looking tablescape. Love the floral dishes and the flowers are beautiful. Very pretty and so inviting. Gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

Terri said...

Oh yes please! I would love to join in!
Your table is beautiful and having a tea pot per person is a fabulous idea! I am sure those coming by for tea are going to really enjoy themselves.

Suz said...

You set such a beautiful table. I love your dainty plates and would love to join you sometime. Please come and visit my site if you have time. I am barely into this addiction!

Unknown said...

How thoughtful to have each guest have a tea pot of their own. I have many tea set's for one but always used them for myself. Thank you for sharing this wonderful gesture.

Zaa said...

What a lovely teatime setting...Your table is beautiful as are the sweet little teapots..I love to join you for tea and I hope you will join me at "The Grand Lady 's Teacup Tuesday too....HUGS

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Your table is beautiful. I love the china. I wish I was there to have tea with you. We would have lots to talk about. Blessings, Martha

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Beautiful! And what fun to have your own little teapot!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Such pretty tea plates! This is a lovely tea!

Entertaining Women said...

Beautiful tablescape, and I love the idea of the individual tea pots. It's always such a nice touch when we go out to tea, and I love the thought of doing the same at home. Thank you for sharing your wonderful design. Cherry Kay

Tess said...

I love this table for tea! Your dishes are beautiful! And there is nothing that says "tea" more than pink and white!!

xinex said...

Beautiful table! Your dishes are so sweet and dainty....Christine

Marlis said...

Love the china, so delicate and delightful. What a lovely gesture for your guests.. grand idea for the individual teapots..lovely table! xo marlis

The Tablescaper said...

Sweet delicate rose blossoms, what could make anyone feel more welcome.

- The Tablescaper

Natasha in Oz said...

I so wish I could have been there to take tea with you! You have a gorgeous tea service and I can see that you treat your guests so beautifully.

Thanks for the virtual tea!

Best wishes,

JudyBug said...

What a lovely table! I love teapots and cups. Should I bring some scones?

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

I'm loving your china - isn't tea fun?


Karin Şen Cankan said...

Such an amazing table.

Great idea having individual tea cups must try too.

Thanks so much for sharing.

Karin Şen Cankan

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

I would feel so special sitting at this beautiful table. LOVE the idea of the individual tea pots!

Alycia Nichols said...

What a neat thing to do! This is the epitome of Southern hospitality! When we sit down for tea, it is so nice to have our own pot with the flavor we most enjoy. Even though I'm not living in the South as planned, I still admire the graciousness and continue to learn from y'all! ;-)

Martha said...

What great teapots and a very very pretty table!

Cottage and Broome said...

I love brewed tea in a tea pot, what a special treat for your friends! I love all the pink and white too, my all time favorite. If you get a chance please stop by our tea time giveaway, the Mom form Cottage and Broome.