Have you ever gone to a Restaurant or Tea Room and been taken in by the Powder room?? Let's face it, there are many that are in need of any kind of ambiance. But when I see one that is beautiful and chic, why not take pictures and share their hidden beauty??

Now tell me, wouldn't you like to powder your nose here??
You betcha! My kind of fluff & foo-foo toidy, Jocelyn.
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Super charming- your pink powder room is so sweet! :)
Now that's what I call a powder room! Love it; especially the florals in the sink. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Pink weekend.
I have seen some truly amazing ones in the past, but not lately. I love and go to tea rooms all the time. Will have to be more observant of the bathroom.
Love that gorgeous sink! The little restaurant out here at the country seat has a cool ladies room. The wall paper is vintage Parisian ladies. HPS
Beautiful powder room, I wish I had it! I for sure would go to it to touch up my lipstick! It's so charming and romantic! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
That is a beautiful poweder room. The sink, I imagine is hand painted. What I love also are the scrolled sayings on the wall. By the way, I am a photography, never without at least one camera with me, even if it is my cell phone. I am always taking pictures in the rest rooms of inspiration. I find that sometimes such a simple floral arrangement and placement of the towels or face cloths on the cabinets are just charming. I would have taken lots of pictures of your pink powder room. Blessings,
I don't generally powder my nose but this is one powder room that makes me want to pick up the habit! It's pink-iful!
Lovely bathroom. Love the hand painted wall.
Now this is a powder room you would not want to leave.....just so sweet rosy!
Oh my Goodness, this is a powder room worth spending some time in! The kind where you run back to the table and invite all the ladies to come back in with you...lol...Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink
how funny~ My favorite tearoom (which has now sadly closed their doors)had a powder room very similiar! They also had candles burning and scented hand lotion to use~
Happy Pink Saturday :)
Amazing....this is worth going to powder your nose! Kudos to who ever keeps this lovely little powder room looking so neat and tidy and well kept. Standing ovation to whom ever created it!
I had the pleasure of going to this very beautiful tea room called Camilla Rose! My friend Shari from Fla took me there this past May. What a wonderful experience! You can read about it here, and see more pics of this beautiful tea room!
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