I really enjoyed my excusion to the Good Will last week. But as sometimes happens, I saw something there that interested me, but I left it. You see it was this huge white platter. But the platter had a chip in it. And even though it was only $3, I still left it. And I regretted it the moment I got home.
So yesterday, I got myself into the car and I drove back to the Good Will, knowing full well, that the $3 platter would be gone. I mean it was a week ago. As we all know, things don't last at the Good Will.
Low and behold, after a little searching, what do I spy.............

Yes, in all of her $3 glory!
Now just to give you an idea of how large this platter is I've set it next to the cup and saucer I found there last week.

Not only is it large, but it is heavy! No markings on the back, but the design looks old. I am picturing this platter with greenery and candles in the center, or a coffee service. Or even just hang it from the wall.
Happy day at the Good Will, once again :-)

Please join me for more Vintage Thingies at
Coloradolady's blog party.
Perfect for a huge turkey or whatever you will be serving!
Ladybug Creek
What a fabulous find, Jocelyn. I'd have snagged that also. So many wonderful things you can do with that beauty.
Have a beautiful & blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
TTFN ~ Marydon
It's a lovely white platter Jocelyn. It will be great for all the major holidays. Amazing that it was still there for such a great price!
WOW that is large! Looks turkey size to me. So glad it was stll there!
Oh Jocelyn, I couldn't help but chuckle when I read you left Goodwill without the platter and then regretted it. That sounds all too familiar to me! Glad it was still there when you went back.
Sorry I haven't visited for awhile. I've been up to my ears in packing, trying to get the kitchen finished, and shopping for the upcoming bathroom remodel. Can't believe Thanksgiving is next week! Thank goodness I don't have to cook. We're going to Buddy Freddy's buffet again this year. lol. Maybe, just maybe, this move will be complete by Thanksgiving 2011 and I can host Thanksgiving dinner then. :o
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
It was meant to be Yours! Love it and you will sure have fun with it! Can't go wrong with it.
White always is a winner!
deb :)
You were lucky. It never pays to put off things, as a rule they will be gone.
That is a good buy if you have ways you want to use it.
Glad to hear the platter was still there for you to take home!! I like your idea of decorating it with candles and greenery for the holidays!! It will look so elegant and charming.
i've got to start going to Goodwill! Great find!
What a great platter. How surprising it was still there! It must have had your name on it!
I think it's perfect. You can put one very large turkey on that platter. I'm sure you'll do something fabulous with it; it was meant to be yours.
I love it....and what a super buy..Happy VTT!
what a lovely find, gorgeous shape..it was meant to be yours :))
You better work on those biceps of yours if you want to lift this with a 25 pound turkey in it!
It's a wonderful platter and I'm glad it was still there for you!
i just bought a brand new white platter - wished i had seen this first!!! truly lovely.
I love the shape! And nothing beats a white platter, you can use it with so many different table settings, it's perfect!
What a great platter for Thanksgiving! I'm so glad it waited for you! :)
Happy VTT,
Well that is just the perfect white platter! It is beautiful! I have done that so many times. Gone to a thrift store, saw something i liked, picked it up, put it in my basket, walked around with it and then at some point put it back. And then I think about it over and over again! So glad this platter was still there and you were able to get it!
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