My sweet daughter gave me a set of FireKing cups and saucers for Christmas last year. She found them on ebay, and they are in perfect condition. I had never seen this pattern before, so it was a very delightful addition to my cups and saucer collection.

A few months ago we were browsing in an antique shop and I spied this sugar and creamer set. It's so fun to be able to add serving pieces to the 6 cups and saucers that I already have.

Please join me for some tea party fun with
Lady Katherine's
Tea Time TuesdayTea Cup Tuesday Sandi's
Tea Things Tuesdayand
Martha's FavoritesWishing you a tea-lightful day.
This is a beautiful set... Your daughter and you both have wonderful taste. I have never seen that pattern either, it is SO different, I LOVE it... and I like that the creamer and sugar match BUT are a different pattern, That makes it so much FUN!
Have a great week,
Those are so pretty! How fun to find the sugar/creamer. Did they make a teapot in this pattern?
What a lucky fine for you, they are so pretty.
What a wonderful find to go with your cups and saucers! They are so pretty! FireKing makes some wonderful pieces. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely week.
What lovely pieces and a fantastic find to come across the serving pieces like that....I love the wonderful color and the way they just glow.
Thank you for stopping
Blessings Kelsie
That is just beautiful - you always find the best things!
What a lovely find! You must be thrilled to have matched them up! Just gorgeous!
Lou xx
Hello Joceylyn,
what a great find. I can imagine how nice it is to add some serving pieces to your cups. This shiny surface looks great. Have a nice time.
Greetings, Johanna
The joy of collecting is always enhanced when you come across something so unexpectedly.
I've not come across FireKing ware before but I can see why it appeals to you.
Maggie in Normandy.
The snappy gold shades will go well with a red and gold Christmas tree if you have one...pretty.
Hi Joceyln: I love this set. Fire King is hard to find. What a great treasure you have. I do not own any Fire King, it seems it is always so expensive. I am still hoping one day to find some. Thank you for sharing these beauties. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
I love your Fire King tea cup and saucer! How fab that you received it as a gift from your daughter. The other pieces are lovely as well, how lucky you were to find more matching pieces.
such a lovely find! never see a fireking cup in that colour. very rare.. glad you found the sugar bowl and creamer. perfect match now.
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