Last week you came along with me and my BFF to the special Tea House we enjoy. I thought I would share a few more pictures from this most delightful Tea room.

Wouldn't you just love to spend an afternoon here?

Sometimes we will just order lunch instead of high tea.

It makes my mouth water just thinking about this incredible chicken salad plate.
This is the children's room.

If you are ever in Central Florida, you must make plans to visit Camellia's Tea Room in Plant City. It is well worth visiting.
Thanks for stopping by.
Please join me -
Tea Time Tuesday,
Tuesday Tea for Two,
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday,Martha's Favorites,
Rose Chintz Cottage Tea Time Tuesday and
Tea Cup Tuesday.
Pure charm.
What a delightful place. That salad looks so good! Thank you for sharing one of your favorite spots with us. Have a great week.
Looks like a great little place! Thanks for sharing it with us!
What a lovely tea house...and that childrens room - - too cute!!
I think having a tea party in the kids area would be the best!
deb :)
Oh my goodness. Do you think they'd look at me funny if I wanted to have tea in the children's room? This is so beautiful!
what a warm and cozy tea house! wish we have this kind of tea house at my side of the world. but my fave is the children tearoom! Just beautiful!
Yes, I would love to spend an afternoon there! The Children's Room appeals to me the most, do you think they wold let us adults take tea there?
That looks like a delightful tearoom - very pretty and feminine. I'd like to visit it sometime on our way down to Florida.
That chicken salad plate does look delicious.
What a lovely tea room, and everyone gets a beautiful tea cup to use! Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
What a charming Tea Room, loved the parlor, and the children's room. So pretty! Thank you for joining me for Tea Time and sharing this lovely Tea Room!
unbelievably beautiful spaces you have photographed here.
Oh, I would LOVE to visit this lovely tea room! Yup, it is one of those places you could spend hours just looking at all the beautiful details. And that chicken salad looks so YUMMY!!! thanks for sharing!
LOVE this wonderful Tea House!! I wish we had one near me, but sadly, there is it's nice to be able to see some that are around here thru blogland :) Thank you for sharing this wonderful place with us ladies.
Happy Tea Tuesday, warmest hugs, Brenda
This looks like such a charming place to have tea. I love the children's room too! Thank you for sharing all the pretties and yes, that chicken salad looks yummy! Happy Tea Tuesday.
What a lovely place!
Meeting you has been a pleasure
A very charming Tea House and what a special children's room.
Lucky you to have such a treasure near by.
What a darling spot!!
m ^..^
Thank you for sharing this lovely tea house!
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