Monday, August 12, 2024

Between the Sound and Sea


Between the Sound and Sea is a story set in the Outer Banks. A story about second chances and forgiveness. Duel time lines. WWII and present day on a barrier island lighthouse. 

Finnegan W. O'Hare, also known as Walt, buys the old decommissioned lighthouse. He wants to refurbish it to it's previous condition during his youth. He hires Joey Harris to do the renovations. Walt's grandson, Finn, is skeptical of hiring a woman to do this major project.  But Walt wants to make things right. After he lost Cay during an explosion on the merchant ship he was on in 1942, guilt has haunted him.

The story was interesting, although it was slow in parts. The mystery was a little bit of a surprise at the end. The characters told their story well. 

I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through Net Galley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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