I have often mentioned that I've been collecting restaurant dishes, most notably Buffalo china dishes? Here are some of the dishes I have found over time at the Goodwill.

hummmm, good price.....

a stack of four plates for $2.06.
I also picked up this lovely little piece -

The marking on this dish is also Buffalo China and it has the number 1916. Now I don't really think this dish is from 1916, but it could have been a trademark date or something. I've never run across Buffalo Fine China before.
So I finally have enough plates to serve a little luncheon.

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Thriftin'
I love restaurantware, it is so nice and sturdy.
Restaurant ware is great and I love yours! Amazing prices too.
Hi Jocelyn! Fun catching up with you before bed. So glad you could stop by to catch my busy bees!!
I have seen these "buffalo" dishes, as you call them - restuarant dishes - at thrift stores and pass them by. However - you make them look like "the bees knees" setting them out at home! Might take a second look at them next time . . .
Great find and great price on the restaurantware! I love the heavier vintage restaurantware. these will mix and match beautifully! Thank you for sharing this with us at TTF. I hope you have a fantastic day!
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