Treasure hunting is simply enjoying the process of looking for and finding something that you didn't know you were looking for! When you find it, it inspires you to continue the hunt for the "next" thing :-) Of course it has to be at just the right price, or else the hunt is not valid. It's the difference between buying something retail, or finding the very same thing for 95% off! The process is almost as much fun as the find.Does this look like fun to you??

This last place - Olde Junque Shop - was, well, it was pretty junky, that's for sure.

These were some of the spots we visited while traveling through South Carolina. My daughter and I hit the antique trail and found a few treasures.
I think this treasure topped it off for my daughter.

We have seen this cookbook in many different places. Some are in very good condition, others are falling apart. We've seen a vast array of pricing, but my daughter found this one for $1.50. I don't know if many of you have used this grand old BH & G red and white cookbook, but when I got married I lived in this cookbook. I never knew how to make cream sauce, or cole slaw dressing, or even how long to cook a roast. This cookbook was my bible in the kitchen.
So look! Now we have a twin -

Mine is on the right, and it's looks pretty beat up. But it's over 35 years old, and has taken it's licks. However, this cookbook still has the best recipe for Coconut Cream pie, and even tells you how long to cook eggs ;-) A very worthwhile vintage cookbook to have on hand.