"...... No, lest while you are gathering up the tares, you may root up the wheat with them.
Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, 'First gather up the tares; and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn. ". (Matthew 13:29-30)
Autumn is God's reminder to us of a time coming when we shall be "gathered" as His harvest.
Jesus told us the fields are "white unto harvest" (John 4:35). His prayer was for us to ask the Holy Spirit to send out "laborers" into the harvest (Luke 10:2).
Are you wheat or tare? If wheat, are you praying for the Holy Spirit to send workers into the harvest? And, as you see world events and evil abounding, be encouraged! Jesus told us the good is there growing also ~ Harvest time is coming. (shared by my friend Helen)
Peanut Butter Cup Poke Cake
6 hours ago
Oh sweetie thank you so much for this post!
Yes, it is harvest time, and we can be a part in the reaping. There is more than one way to participate. Praying is essential, then listen and do what the Holy Spirit is saying. He may ask you to perhaps go next door, or give an offering, or visit the homeless shelter. They are waiting for you!!(and me)
Oh yes! I am so blessed to be His wheat. And I'm looking forward to planting new seeds of the awesome Word of God in the hearts and minds of little trick or treaters with cute cards full of encouraging and comforting Bible verses on them. It's fun for them and joy-full for me to plant these seeds for eternity. :)
What a great post!! Loved your choice of scripture!! Very relevant to this time of year! Thanks for sharing!!
So glad I found your blog. Linked over from another, cannot remember what other blog it was.
Anyways, I usually follow quilting blogs but yours is so welcoming, love the photos so here I am following now. Especially enjoy the Sunday writings.
Thanks for this reminder that the great harvest time is coming. We are reminded of it this time of year.
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