Love Unsought How do you know that God exists? How do you know that God
loves you? These questions, upon the hearts of so many, have answers as real as the formative moments in your life. As I have aged I seem to grow more and more prone to nostalgia.
Many of us do this instinctively, clinging to memories past,
perhaps looking backwards with the hope of seeing a purpose
for our lives.
When I travel to India, I make it a point to revisit time and
again those significant marking points of my own life. As
I recall these moments past but not forgotten, I hear the
gentle voice of the God very much in the present. And God
says, "I was there." "When on you were on your bike
contemplating suicide, I was there. When you
were but nine years old and your grandmother died,
I arranged for her gravestone to hold in time the very
verse that would lead you to conversion. I was there." It is often in these harrowing moments—your parents
divorce, your child's birth, the death of a loved one— where God leaves a defining mark.
There is reason you remember such moments so vividly.
We have a choice to hear or to ignore, but regardless his
voice cries out in our memories, "I was there." God has
been in our past. God is here today.
God will be there in our future. God exists, as Lewis worded it so well, in the "eternal
now." And the psalmist, always writing with feet firmly
planted in time, but arms ever reaching for the
eternal, beautifully explains, "Thou art God from
age to age the same." And while hindsight is often God's means of gently revealing his presence all
along, we can be comforted in the peril of the moment
nonetheless. As we encounter these markers in
time, our sorrow is held in the beautiful mystery
of one who wept with a friend, who answered her
question "Where were you?" with tears of his own.
Beside Lazarus's tomb, Jesus offered Mary a glimpse
of the present love of God, though he knew a greater
future. God was with you then. God is there with
you now. And He loves you. William Shakespeare once reasoned, "Love sought
is good, but given unsought is better." How do you
know that God loves you? While you and I were yet
lost and wandering, Christ was wandering after us, by
way of the Cross. And this sacrifice stands as the
greatest marker in all time. ~ Ravi Zacharias  Spiritual Sundays
Ravi Zacharias is one of my favorites. I am reading his book "The Grand Weaver." Excellent thoughts... love them!
Sweetie, not all the verbiage is coming thru in your post ...
Happy St. Patrick's Day ~
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Thanks Marydon, I fixed it.
Thank you, I needed this post. I do know that God is there for me everyday through good and bad. I wish he would answer some of my questions, but I know they are not to be answered, so I'm trying to quit asking them.
Lovely post. So timely, so accurate, so perfect
Thank you for sharing these beautiful words of encouragement. They are so true.
thanks for the inspiration. Have a great weekend.
to realize He was there all along is very healing...thanks for reminding us.
This is such a needed post for me,thank-you.
What a lovely and poignant post; thanks so much for sharing it with us!..,
Thanks for joining us for last week's TTTT and also for my 73rd, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' also! ~ Your blue and white teaset and pretty teatime vignettes were just heavenly last week!..,
(My apologies;I was out of the office and therefore unable to pop by until now)..,
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
I've seen Him in my past, Feel Him in my present and anticipate Him in my future. How beautiful to have this firm knowledge!
I was very touched by this post. How good to be reminded that God has always been right with us, through times of joy and pain.
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