I love pink. When I found this gorgeous tablecloth and matching napkins at the thrift store, I was over the moon. What excitement to share my table with these lovely linens and pink tea serviceware.

My very sweet hubby sent me these gorgeous pink roses. Yes, yes he is a keeper.

The tea service is set up on the tea cart.

Won't you join me today for a cup of tea?

Please join me in visiting these tea ladies for another serving of tea.
Tea Time Tuesday with Lady Katherine
Tea Time Tuesday with Sandi
Martha's FavoritesTuesday Tea for TwoTable Top Tuesday
Tablescape Thursdayand Laura Ingalls Gunn is hosting her first
High Tea Tablescape.
Have a wonderful day!
your table looks so pretty.. your tea set is gorgeous! I bought myself some tulips since the roses i got for Valentines need to go!
I wish I could join you for a cup of tea. The table looks gorgeous and the flowers are just beautiful!!
Gorgeous table and the flowers are stunning ... the perfect setting for tea.
Everything is absolutely beautiful! So wonderful to be surrounded by such loveliness.
I can understand your exitement about this tablecloth and napkins. Looks very nice. The gorgeous roses from your dear hubby, the wonderful china and glasses - all is really perfect and very very nice. But I am enthralled about your tea pot set. Whow, this is amazing. Although the tray is not really made with the tea pot set, it looks just perfect and so nice together. Thank you very much for this delightful tea party.
Greetings, Johanna
What a pretty tea service you have! Your roses are simply exquisite and what a beautiful shade they are! Thank you for sharing with us and for stopping by for tea.
Lovely roses and those pale pink dessert dishes are darling. have you seen House beautiful magazine this month? It is all about pink. I am visiting from Marty's.
What a lovely table. Your pinks are the perfect setting for a cup of tea. ~ sarah
Wow! I can't pick which one I love the best. That tea pot set on the plate is just stunning! I have never seen one like that before. I am coveting, sorry! Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
Two very lovely tea cups and saucers. I love how all your china goes so well together. Your pretty pink tablecloth is such a fab background for all your pretty treasures.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Oh the roses from your hubby are so beautiful!I love the table setting you made, the tea cart and especially the tea set! they're gorgeous!! love it!!
Your roses are stunning, what a precious gift. Love the tea set, it is so beautiful. Your tablescapes are gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
Love your tablescape! The china is gorgeous.
Lovely table settings! Your tea sets are very pretty. I LOVE the square dishes under the pretty pink glassware. They remind me of vintage handkerchiefs - unique and so pretty.
Oh my! This is a gorgeous tea set! You did find a lovely tablecloth and napkins! What a sweetie to give you such lovely pink roses -deserves a big hug!
The table setting is beautiful. And I love the tea set. What gorgeous flowers. Everything looks perfect. Thanks for sharing. Karie
OMG! You hav so many gorgeous pink things here, I just want swoop down and snatch them! LOL Serious, all of it is beautiful!
Your blog is really nice and I really love your pink roses and the teacups.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
such lovely setting! love the teasets! all so pretty & sweet! thanks for sharing! have a good week!
Just beautiful! Love the pretty tea set that's on the table-enjoy:@)
So pretty and very tea like with all the soft pinks!
What beautiful roses! The table cloth is so pretty. Love that set with the roses on it too!
Oh my goodness I am overcome with all of the loveliness! The tea cart that you have is just spectacular.
Your china sugar and creamer are just gorgeous!
The pink goblets are nothing short of spectacular!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you SO very much for linking up.
Lovely pinkness!!! The goblets are wonderful! And I do like the tea set.
Hello there lovely lady,
What a lovely icy, 'pink-a-licious' and yet very elegant table you have set! ~ And yes, with those beautiful pink roses gracing the table; (a thoughtful gift from your dear,'keeper' hubby); your teascape is exquisite!
Thanks for joining in with us for the fun of this week's TTTT and also with my 71st,'Tuesday Tea For Two'..,
P.S.~ As an aside:
..,I must say that when I began in my little corner of blogland with what I lovingly refer to as, 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland', 71 posts ago;(with my little,'Tuesday Tea For Two', blog parties, I never could have dreamt..,
.., that with our fellow tea 'memers' and all of you delightful fellow bloggers, that we would all have so much fun, 'blog hopping' and checking our each others delightful tea parties each week!
Cheers, blessings and hugs from Wanda Lee
I love that table!! I hope you come and visit me (in a minute or two) when I get my tea party on my blog!
Beautiful tea table, so feminine.
Love your roses!! and your tea set is very pretty. I love the way you set up for tea. It's very inviting.
Beautiful, I love pink!
So beautiful! I love the tea service on your the dining table as well as on your side table. Roses and tea just go together!
Mrs. S
Your beautiful roses from your dear husband are the crowning touch for your lovely tablescape. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay
Your tea cart is just lovely, and the roses are beautiful!
Beautiful tea party. laurie
Your tea sets are stunning! I love the soft pink flowers....just beautiful!
Tea at your home would be a true delight! So lovely. Filled with soft colors, lace and of course, roses!!!! Even on the tea service and china. I believe your depression glass sherbert glasses are even pink. Pretty in Pink, that's for sure!
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