Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 Living in the Sunshine State we almost always have warm sunny weather. But not this winter. The weather has been relentless. It's been down to the 30's for several days.

We have a cousin who lives near Atlanta and this is what they woke up to.

Pretty but COLD!

                                            Skywatch Friday   

                                            My Corner of the World 


roentare said...

But very beautiful scenery

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful!! I used to live in south Texas. It never did snow but when it got below freezing watch out for all the busted water pipes.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Crazy weather. I hope we get some snow in the desert this winter!

magiceye said...

A very pretty sight!

Joyful said...

I've been watching the crazy weather on the news. I hope you're keeping warm!

marina said...

Beautiful winter scene!!!

Alana said...

I lived for 8 months in Wichita Falls, Texas years ago. They got 6 inches of snow in one storm and had to call out the National Guard. I feel for the people down south that don't have the resources we in New York State have for something like this.

Photo Cache said...

Even New Orleans have snow! We need snow, or rain out here in California.

Worth a Thousand Words

Light and Voices said...


Joyful said...

I saw on television all the snow falls in parts of the USA where they don't normally get snow or they get significantly less than what occurred recently. Stay warm.