Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Tower

 This structure always fascinated me. 

Tower Drive In 

When I was young it used to be a Drive In movie theater. But it was eventually bought by the city and made into a park.

Apparently it was originally built as a water tower in 1927. The tower can be seen from Interstate 275, and at night is all lit up.

                                            Skywatch Friday   




Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love it when local communities repurpose landmarks.

mvmaithai said...

Interesting tower. Wonder if it's a nice park to visit.
I'm in Pinellas County, so it's a drive for me.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I'm guessing it had a big container of water at the top at one time. Nice that they didn't destroy the tower. Very unique!

roentare said...

The tower does look elegant somehow.

magiceye said...

Nice photos and interesting history.

Photo Cache said...

I hope the tower stays for the next generations.

Worth a Thousand Words

Jim said...


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

How wonderful that the tower has lasted through several changes in use. I like it in a park. Nice.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

How nice the tower has made it through several different uses. I like that it's in a park

Alana said...

I lived in Tampa back in the 1970's and had no idea this tower existed. Don't know when I'll be back to Tampa again but I'll try to remember.

Sharon Wagner said...

I thought it was a lighthouse on an island!

Linda said...

That’s neat that they made a park and that they light up the tower at night.