When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin is an incredible tale of life in Germany in 1938 before the outbreak of World War II.
"Two Americans meet in 1938 in the heart of Nazi Germany. Their efforts to expose oppression attract unwanted attention, pulling them deeper into danger as the world marches towards war."
Evelyn Brand is an American foreign correspondent working to get the truth out to the world about what is happening in Germany as the Nazi's take over.
Peter Lang is an American working on his PhD in Germany. As he and Evelyn cross paths, it begins an adventure as he sees the Jewish people being victimized.
I loved this story. It had everything a good book should have. Thrilling plot, history, romance, a good dose of suspense. Evelyn and Peter were believable and well rounded.
I've read every one of Sarah Sundin's novels, and as always they are well researched. She is a master at crafting her stories.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.