Monday, March 9, 2020

Woman of Sunlight - a review

book cover of Woman of Sunlight

Woman of Sunlight picks up where Aiming for Love leaves off. The story of three sisters, living in a remote mountain for their whole lives.

Ilsa and Mitch seem at odds from the beginning. Ilsa's innocence brings humor as she tries to define her views and beliefs after being isolated on the mountain top. But she must learn the ways of the world down below. 

Mitch, who was a successful businessman back east, now faces a new adventure as he tries to tame the wild Ilsa and her odd ways. With someone out to kill him, He plans to return to the city to face his foes. But Ilsa insists on coming with him. And everything is strange and new to her.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Net Galley and the publisher. All views expressed are my honest opinion.

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