Thursday, August 29, 2013


This GE Hand Mixer has been in my kitchen for the last 40 years.

Yep, that's right, 40 years.  It was a wedding present.  And we still are using it.

However, it's been tired for the last few years.  The cord does not want to stay put and sometimes the speed is not as responsive as it should be.  But I love beating cake mixes with it.  It's been a faithful worker, always available right at my fingertips.

Yesterday, I spied this little beauty at the local Thrift Store.

Not exactly the same model, and no beaters, but it had a good cord and when I plugged it in at the thrift store, it ran really well.  It was marked down 1/2 price from $8 and yesterday was an additional 30% off of household goods.  So for $2.80 I now have a little companion that uses the same beaters.

I'm telling you, they just don't make them like they used to :-)


Cynthia said...

40 years that is pretty cool in my opinion!!


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Glad you found another- hope it isn't too tired, though!

Funny, I have gone through more hand mixers than I care to admit- been hard on them and they burnt up - I am impressed you have been so good to have yours so long.

I am ashamed now to have never given my poor mixers a fighting chance to become vintage!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I agree they don't make things like they use too! 40 years is wonderful and to find another mixer that uses the same beaters at a great price....fabulous!
Thanks for joining TTF.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I have had mine for a long time also and have a big one on a stand that is over 50 years old and still runs. It's way to big to take out so I just
look at it. No they don't make things last anymore. About 10 years and then you have to replace everything.

Anonymous said...

You're so right! They don't make things like they used to. I love hand mixers and they're really easier to take care of. Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I received a Sunbeam hand mixer when we married 44 years ago, and it still works great (of course, it's probably had less use than yours!) Every time I use mine, I comment about it still working. Nope, they don't make anything the way they used to (starting to sound like our parents, aren't we?) Great find! laurie

xinex said...

What a wonderful find! I wish I have kept mine...Christine

Zuni, Chickadee Home Nest said...

What a fun post! I have some oldies too, but then I pick up more vintage kitchen gadgets, then I think, "If a younger woman has vintage gadgets in her kitchen it's cute; if WE have them it's because we're old!" and then they don't feel as cute, but I do like having things with a history. You surely found a great bargain! ~Zuni

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Like you, I have things in my kitchen that are 40 years old. I love to browse the antique shops and see them on the shelves with how much they're worth today.
I gave my hand beaters to my daughter years back and ended up buying new that all stores in a case.

Leslie Anne Tarabella said...

I love older kitchen products. My crock pot is so beat up, I keep hoping it will break down so I can get a new one, but it just keeps hanging in there. I'm afraid a newer model won't work as good!