My daughter and I love to search for vintage things. From linens to
glassware, we love to find something old. A very special aunt taught us a lot about finding a treasure.
We used to go to garage sales, thrift stores and antique malls with
her through the years. She always loved pretty things, and she passed
that love onto us.

Vintage quilt

dd found this lovely Wedgewood teacup. She gave this special cup and
saucer to a dear friend of hers whose mother had just passed away.

DD found this old Singer sewing machine when she lived in the windy city and brought it all the way back to Florida with her.

She also brought back this vintage fan :-)

And this really cool Brownie camera.

cream pitcher belonged to my grandmother. It has little men's faces
all the way around. I never knew my grandmothers very well, because
they both died when I was young. So it is really special.

this is my very favorite. This lamp also belonged to my grandmother.
One of my aunt's had it in her bedroom. One of the panes was out, and I
offered to have it fixed for her. She told me that if I got the pane
fixed, I could have the lamp. Was I ever thrilled!!! The pane was
perfectly matched by a stained glass company locally, and this lamp sits
in my family room.
Yes, I am just an old fashion girl.
Such wonderful goodies your daughter found! Love your family treasures!
I love the wedgewood cup and saucer.
I hope you will post this at "Open House" and share your link. I am a lot like you as I always loved something old more than something new. I think it is wonderful that your daughter shares your love.
Your lamp is beautiful. My mother-in-law used a sewing machine much like your daughters for many years.
Hi there, I too love vintage things; in fact I have an old singer sewing machine-the machine is stored away but the treadle has been refinished and sits in my living room. Love the quilts and teacup too.
Have a great weekend.
I remember the brownie camera, you have som really cool stuhere.
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