I always enjoy a tea party. With Easter just two weeks away, a Spring Tea Party seems so appropriate. Won't you join me?

How about a piece of carrot cake at this bunny time of year?

I so enjoy sharing a cuppa with you.
I am joining these parties this week -
Thanks so much for stopping by. I always enjoy your visits. Have a beautiful week!
How pretty! Love the pastel chintz china, and your bunny. Sounds like carrot cake is perfect for a spring tea! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!
Thanks for the invite, I really enjoyed your Tea, and carrot cake is good any time of the year.
What a lovely setting! You're making me want a cup of tea this morning!
So charming...love the 2 bunnies that have hopped by for a visit. I'm having a cup of Yorkshire Gold this a.m. while I nurse a sore leg this week. Nice candid photos-enjoy your week,
Such a pretty table and the cute little bunnies are perfect for spring and Easter. Happy Tea Day!
Very pretty table and china for a spring tea. Carrot cake sound delicious. Happy Spring blessings to you. Pamela
What a lovely table you have arranged all in pretty pastels for spring - yummy cake too!
Jocelyn, your tea table is very pretty. I love your floral china and that carrot cake looks delish. The bunny s/p are darling. Thank you for sharing your lovely table with us and Happy Spring!
I like the tea pot you selected for your spring tea and the bunny salt and pepper are adorable. Bunnies should be around the house all year long.
Well thank you for sharing such a pretty tea with us today!
Your china is very pretty and the cute bunny salt and pepper shakers are ADORABLE!
Have a wonderful week!
SImple and so sweet.... especially, that carrot cake... really puts me in the mood to celebrate!!!
Your tea setting is so pretty! A piece of carrot cake for me, Please!
Happy Spring!
Hi Jocelyn, I love the pretty gentleness of your tea set. Carrot cake is a favorite of mine and so easy to make too. I wonder why I don't make it more often. Happy spring to you. :)
Such apretty tea, your bunny is adorable. Love the china.
Hi Joycelyn,
you share a wonderful tea set today. Such a springy design. And carrot cake sounds perfect for Easter time. Not only the rabbits will love that. Tahnk you for sharing this cozy tea time, for your visit at my blog and for the kind comment.
Best greetings, Johanna
What a lovely table you've set for spring! The china pieces are so pretty. Carrot cake is always yummy! Happy Spring, Michelle
Beautiful post! I love your tea setting. It is lovely! The tea pot is so sweet as is your tea cup. I adore your cream and sugar too. I think I have the same set.
Happy Spring!
Beautiful springtime table and the carrot cake looks delicious. One of my favorites.
What a nice spring tea. You're right, carrot cake is such a good idea!
Your spring tea setting is beautiful! Love your rose patterned china. The carrot cake looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.
The china is soo pretty. Perfect for a tea. I love carrot cake! Happy Spring!! xo marlis
Luv'in your Spring Tea Party.
- The Tablescaper
What a pretty tea set, Jocelyn. I don't drink tea, but I do eat cake!
What a lovely tea party! Love your tea set and the bunnies...Christine
I SO love the pattern or your china, Jocelyn! If there's carrot cake on the plate, I am SO there, sister! :-) I'm a carrot cake eatin' fool! Your bunny S&Ps are so darling. They look so delicate! I'd almost be afraid to touch them, but I would because they're so pretty!
Newest follower here! I found you though the blog hop, you have a wonderful blog. I look forward to reading more. You can find me at meandmr.com
-Melanie @meandmr.com
Love your dishes and that sweet teapot too!
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
It is so much fun sharing - your sweet tea setting looks lovely and carrot cake is one of our favorites - I haven't made it in a while! It is about time - I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
Such a pretty tea set, your bunny is adorable. Love the china.
Thanks so much for linking to Let's Dish!
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