As I was preparing
this table for the 4th of July.........

I realized that I only had three blue Staffordshire plates for the place settings

So last week, during our travels, I stopped into a NEW Goodwill in Galletin Tennessee.
I had visited a couple of Goodwills during our trip, but at THIS Goodwill I found the prize!

For $1.99!

What a pretty table even with only three blue plates! :) Hope you had a great 4th.
be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Oh how fun. I love GW and all the neat stuff they have sometimes. Great find. Your tablescape is lovely. Hugs, Marty
You were at the right place at the right time on this buy. I am never that lucky when I go to GW.
L-O-V-E your new plate! I would have bought it also. Such a pretty pattern. Would love a whole set.
Deb :)
Love, love, love blue and white plates! You really got a great deal on this one. So beautiful.
Love your petty blue plates! Never know what treasures GW will have, such fun.
As soon as I saw the thumbnail picture of this plate my heart did a little pitter patter! What a gorgeous find and at a great price. Wouldn't you love to have a whole set of these beautiful plates!Thank you for sharing at TTF and have a great day!
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