Let's start out with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Thank you so much for joining me today for my Spring Tea Party.
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying.... for the former things are passed away." Revelation 21:4
This week I have said good bye to two women who have had a huge impact and influence on my life. On Tuesday evening, my dear Mother in Love took the hand of Jesus and left her earthly body to walk the streets of gold. She was one of the most giving and gracious ladies I have ever known. It has been a sorrowful tear filled few days, but we are in fact rejoicing in knowing that she is not in pain anymore and praising God that her faith has been made sight and that she is with her Savior.
Then on Thursday morning, my husband's aunt joined her sister in law as she too left us to reside with Jesus. And although we were not blood relatives, she stepped into my life at a time when I was grieving the sudden loss of my own mother. She has been a substitute mother, a grandmother to my children, a friend, a mentor, a beautiful example of how to love people wholly and unconditionally.
Few of us have the privilege of knowing one person in our lives who sets a course of integrity and honor and who fills you up with their unwavering love. I have been blessed to know and love two such women.
Absent from the body
Present with the Lord