Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thrifty Things Friday

For the last couple of years I had been on the lookout for an old scale. Last year when my daughter and I were in New Bern NC, we stopped in some junk shops and a couple of Antique stores. In one of the Antique shops, I finally found an old scale at a pretty reasonable price.

I've seen these old scales priced as high as $40 to $50. This one was marked $20, so we carried it home with us to Florida.

But a couple of weeks ago, when my hubby and I were in Hogansville, along with my pretty Pink cups and saucers I wrote about on my last post, my hubby found this great old scale.

For $10!! So yep, we now have a pair :-)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


They don't call me a Pinkaholic for no reason!

When we walked into the Antique shop in Hogansville, I found these PINK Fiestaware cups and saucers. I loved them! So of course they had to come home with On a previous trip, I found this PINK creamer hiding on a shelf.

The creamer almost looks peachy in this picture, but it's PINK :-) It's marked Ranmaru Tempo II Japan.

They look so lovely with the painted lamp as a back Although the lamp looks like an antique, my mother in love painted it.

Add my little PINK spoons and we are all set for a PINK party :-D

Joining Suzanne for Vintage Thingie Thursday


Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A pretty Bow

Straight out of the point and shoot digital camera. A beautiful rainbow as I was driving home one day. Click on the picture for a closer look :-)

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Simple Dinner

Fall is in the air. Even though we live in the deep south I enjoy bringing the colors of Autumn indoors. As the season begins to change, I like to warm up the table with the incense of Fall.

I found these beautiful Thomas Kinkade dishes at Marshall's last year.

Wedding Stemware by Gorham

Let's light the candles and enjoy a Simple Fall Dinner.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Warm Welcome

When we walked though the house that we eventually bought last year, I took a few pictures of the rooms as they were decorated by the then owners. This is the Living Room space.

Entry way -

And these three pictures are in the same order after the rooms were cleaned out.

Here is the Living Room and Entry way today -

I love our new home. We are so blessed to be here. Thanks for joining me. You are always welcome!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Camillia Rose Tea

Camillia Rose is still my favorite Tea Room.

To die is gain

Our Pastor has been preaching out of the book of Philippians for the last few weeks. Last Sunday he preached on Philippians 1:21

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

These very profound words had such an impact. As our Pastor was preaching he began to cry. He said that as he studied this passage, the realization of his mortality grabbed him. He wrestled with the fact that he really wanted to see his children grow up. He wanted to be here with his family. And yet, the scripture teaches that to die is gain.

Day by day, as we each walk the pathway we are to go, life just seems to keep going. Until we are stopped in our tracks with the lose of a loved one or friend. It is then that we start thinking of the "other side".

7 years ago, on a Sunday morning, during the middle of a raging hurricane, my BFF lost her battle with cancer and walked into the arms of Jesus. I have missed my sweet friend all these years, but on Sunday the Pastor's message brought a sense of peace to my heart. You see, Diana was such a special friend. She walked beside me for almost 20 years, encouraging me, always with love and a smile. It is selfish of me to want her to be here, when she has gained so much more. As she reached out her hand that Sunday morning, she left behind her tired body to walk with Jesus. I can almost picture her in my minds eye, looking back at all of us and saying, "It's all right, I'm whole now."

Mark 8:35 states: “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it” (ESV).

Jesus Christ offers you the greatest freedom - in learning how to die, we learn how to live.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Goodwill Goblets

Back in May I posted about these goblets that I found at the Goodwill for $1 each.

You can read the post HERE.

This week I went back to the Antique shop where I had seen the other goblets, and decided to add them to the ones I already have.

They were marked 20% off, which made me feel a little better.

Don't you think they would be pretty to use when we have company :-)

They have such a pretty design.

Come join me -

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday

We had an amazing trip out to the Midwest. I've never been to the Prairie before, so all the sights were new to me. All in all we traveled through 9 states.

Home sweet Home!