Yesterday was a good thrifting day :-) I usually try to visit the Super GoodWill whenever I am in the area. Some days are good, some days are not so good.
Yesterday I popped in looking for something that had nothing to do with dishes. But of course I had to take a look at the domestic aisle, you know, just in case there was some little treasure lurking there.
And to my delightful surprise, I found these little fellas........

And then, back behind them was this............

And they were all priced at this...............

So I kept looking around, back behind things, under more things......... and I said to myself, you know there must have been a little tray or something that would hold these little beauties together. However, searching in vain, I finally just walked away for a while. Sometimes you have to do that, to refresh your eyes.
I thought I would give it one more try. On this second attempt, I found a tray, but it was a little large, and the color was much darker then the patina of these little rooster condiments. So back again, I am searching, and my eye spies this.............

hummmmm........... right size, right color.
I turn it over and see this...........

Longanberger!!!! They make pottery?????

Don't they make a nice set?

All married up with my Rooster mugs (also a GW find) and the cocky crow that watches over my kitchen counter.
Yes they did have a stand to sit in, one had a wooden handle, Jocelyn. Another was a plate that had ridges for them to each sit in. Great price, you lucky gal, you!
Have an eggs-tra blessed Easter ~
Hugs of love,
You did very well with your Goodwill shopping. They do make a very pretty set.
What an amazing find!! I love those s&p's. Great find. Happy VTT!
So cute! A lovely set, for sure!
What a great set! I love it that you took the time to find a little tray to put it all together. Congratulations on your wonderful finds!
HaPpY vInTaGe ThInGiE tHuRsDaY!
Those are too darling - good for you!
Lovely!! I know you will have some wonderful dinners and put them to good use.
Oh, this set is so adorable. What a great find! I would love for you to link this up later tonight to my "Thrifty Things Friday' party! I hope you are having a great day!
Longaberger makes some beautiful pottery! I love all your wonderful finds!
Love the S&P and cruet set. I have found a few pieces of Longaberger pottery and it is nice!
I have that same Jan Karon cookbook!
Well that was good thrifting! I didn't konw Longaberger made pottery either.
Thanks for linking up! It really is a cool vintage set. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!
Love all of your wonderful finds. You did great!
Such wonderful treasures!
- The Tablescaper
THose are FUN!!!
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