How was your Easter? I'm sure many memories were being made yesterday. For the last 60 years, my in-laws have had an Easter picnic at their house.
Three generations have grown up attending the Easter doings. After attending church services, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins by the gazillions, and sometimes friends have gathered to share a meal and enjoy the fun.
The youngest member of the family, who is not quite one year old...............

And the oldest Aunty who is nearly 95 years old, pictured with her namesake................

Children lined up to "hit the Pinata"..............

And of course, diving for the booty.................

Traditions............ we all have them. Maybe yours has come about in a different way. But the greatest tradition we had yesterday was celebrating the Risen Savior. If it was not for the sacrifice HE made, we would be dead to sin, eternally. HE paid the price for the debt we owed.
We are
all sinners, since we have all done wrong things. But God made a way for us to be forgiven so we can have eternal life in heaven. All we have to do is recognize our sinfulness and accept the fact that Jesus paid the penalty for our sin when he died on the cross.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Have a great week!