Last night was an amazing night. We, along with most of the world, have been watching the Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver. There have been so many wonderful stories and also many tragedies. I am always amazed at the discipline and perseverance of these athletes. It feels like we all stand behind them, as though we were the ones actually taking part in the sport.
Last night was the Women's Figure Skating competition. Did you watch it? So many talented young women taking to the ice to perform their Free Skate. The beauty and grace of each skater surely captured their audiences. But I think the whole world held it's breath when Joannie Rochette took to the ice. Skating just four days after the sudden death of her mother, Joannie skated her heart out. Was it perfect? In the eyes of the world, Joannie skated the performance of her lifetime. She blew a kiss heavenward when she finished.
And those judges? Were they perfect?? For many years, past judging has been deeply criticized for being unfair with Soviet blocks giving high marks for skating performances that were lacking. But last night the judges made up for all injustices they have reckoned with in the past. Canada is proud to honor Joannie Rochette as the Bronze metal winner.

Canada is proud. And so is the world! Congratulations Joannie!