Friday, September 4, 2009

Pink and pretty

I love old stuff. I've been collecting things forever, it seems. But sometimes there's something new that takes my fancy.

When my daughter was living and working in the windy city, we took a trip up to St. Charles. It was a very sweet little town, with shops and a wonderful tea room that served an incredible lunch.

In one of the shops I found a little hanging vase.
It just looked so old fashioned, and of course it was pink :-) That was about five years ago.

So recently I was at my favorite local Hospice thrift store and spied this little vase .........

I love things that are pink and pretty. This little pink vase fits the bill!

Happy thriftin'


Crispy said...

Both vases are just lovely :0)


Allie said...

Those are really sweet - and how wonderful that they're pink!

Nanette said...

Very very pretty!