This solves the mystery of what we should pray for. If we are abiding in Jesus, we shall ask what He wants us to ask whether we are conscious of doing so or not. "Ask what you desire," that is, what your will is in. The meaning of prayer is that we recognize we are in the relationship of a child to his father. "Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him." When once we realize that we can never think of anything our Father will forget, worry becomes impossible. Beware of getting into a panic. Panic is bad for the natural heart, and it is destructive to the spiritual life. "Let not your heart be troubled" - it is a command. Are we in the habit of constantly requesting, of continually talking to Jesus about everything? Where we go in the time of trial proves what the great underlying power in our lives is.
(Oswald Chambers)
No real report about my compression fracture. The xrays taken in the ER were too low to see the actual fracture. I went to have an MRI on Wednesday. However, even though I tried twice I could not do it. So at this point I am not really sure what the next step is. My sweet hubby and children have been taking very good care of me. What a blessing they are.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. Please keep them going. And thank you for being such kind caring friends. I long to get back to blogging once again.
Spring Details
16 hours ago
I love this verse that tells us to pray about everything! What a gift!! Thank you for sharing...
Love reading Oswald Chambers. What a wise man. I'm keeping you in prayer sweetie - I hope you aren't in much pain.
The only way Ron and I get through MRIs
(he's claustaphobic, i'm a whimp)is to pray
while we are in there. We also meditate... think about a favorite place or memory in our lives. Remember the sights, sounds, smellls.
I'm sure the doctors would like a good photo so they can see if you would benefit from surgery. Good luck. I hope you recover fine and the pain is manageable. Happy Spiritual Sunday!
G'morn sweet Jocelyn ~ I do hope that you heal quickly. It is hard doing these tests but you have to put yourself in 'another world' of thought & then it is easy.
Prayer for you, sweet friend.
Have a beautiful week ~
TTFN ~Hugs of love, Marydon
I'm adding my prayers for healing. I'm glad you have a helping family to help see you through your pain.
What a blessing to have a family that are able to help you.
God Bless,
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