But the most common use, when we see the letters ER, we know they stand for Emergency Room

On Sunday afternoon, I was staying with my mother in law and we both took a tumble. Thankfully my mil is fine but I ended up taking a little ride in an ambulance, strapped down like a cocoon, and payed my first visit to the Emergency Room. After several hours and some xrays, it was determined that I have a compression fracture of t11.
So my friends, I will be out of commission for a little while. I am writing this under the influence of pain medication, but I don't think I will be able to sit at the computer for any length of time. Please remember me in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. I love hearing from each of you but if I do not respond to your comments, you will know why.
Let me know what you are up to, as I am able to read my emails and comments on my iTouch.
Take care!
Oh Jocelyn, I'm so sorry you took that tumble! Thank goodness your MIL is ok. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Take care,
Oh, no...I am sorry to hear this....especially since you have so many things you have been working on lately. Just do what the doctor says, though, so you don't have more problems down the road from doing too much too soon. Don't worry about replying to any of us..just take care of yourself!
I am SO sorry. Sounds like you need a laptop and wireless connection. Take care of yourself and don't be in a big hurry to get back to running around. Give yourself what YOU need. I'll be thinking of you.
Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you are back on your feet very soon!
Hi Jocelyn,
That is horrible! I hope you are feeling better very soon. I am glad your mother in law did not suffer any lasting injuries. Take care of yourself!
I was so sorry to read about your fall. Take the time you need to make a complete recovery. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear this, get pampered and hope you heal quickly!
O'my....sending healing prayers your way..
Oh, goodness. When I started reading I just knew you were going to give us another meaning of ER. I'm so sorry it's got you layed up. What are they going to do/able to do about your back?
Prayers, dear friend. For healing and comfort.
Weezer (I've added you to my prayer box.)
Oh Jocelyn, this is awful! I am so sorry this happened to you but hopefully you are feeling a bit better by now. Take care and please keep us posted on your progress, as you are able.
Oh girl, this is terrible! I sure hope you heal quickly! My prayers are with you. take care!
Diann :)
Hello, Jocelyn, my friend,
I am sorry you took a spill. I am praying for a speedy and complete recovery. I am glad MIL is okay. Take care of yourself!! Happy September to you~love and hugs~Vicki p.s. That vintage Rolls is magnificent. Yes, I would drive it to the grocery store or anywhere else possible if I owned it!!
I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing so I thought I'd drop by and say "hi."
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