We have frogs in our pond.
Well actually two!
One sits quietly on the edge while the other spits out water into the pond.
So on occasion, they have visitors............
Don't you love this one. It's like he is sitting next to the statue and saying "I want to be big like you!"
So the moral of this story is........
Let your boys pick up frogs and lizards in your back yard. You will be doing his future wife a huge service.
Join me on Outdoor Wednesday!
You are so cute! I love this ... how are you doing now? I hope things are coming along for you.
Have a great day ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Great photos. Agree on letting the boys pick up the critters too!
I love the way you finished your pond...we haven't gotten that far yet but you've given me some ideas...frogs don't really cause warts, you know..
Mama Bear
Nice p0st and I love ur p0nd
Aww I LOVE frogs and what an awesome photo!
Could they do an ultra sound on your leg or a partical MRI???
Take care.
deb :)
I love frogs and pick them up occasionally to keep my cats from getting them! I really love tree frogs! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment!
We don't have many frogs around here because it is dry, but we have lots of toads! Nice pond...great post!
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