If your blog is a Blogger account, have you ever noticed the
"STATS" link ? After you sign in and go to your Dashboard, you can see it. It shows the most visited pages and posts from today, or this week or even in the last few months. It shows where your visitors come from (which countries and from which websites). A very cool tool that I never noticed before !
And just for fun today, I thought I would share a few license tags from my lovely Sunshine State!

Love the palm trees.

In case you didn't know, we live in Bulls Country :-)

And there is always sunshine for golfing!

Hummm............ wonder what this message means?

I do agree with the message on this tag. But surrounded by chain links?????

Manatees are famous here too...............

Honoring our service men and women.

Who is this????

My family are big Rays fans!
My stats said I have visitors from all over the world.
Please leave a comment and tell me where you are from :-)
I am from the beautiful state of Tennessee, which topographically is completely different from section to section. In the West it is flat, but has the beautiful and famous Mississippi River and Elvis's Grace Mansion, not to mention BBQ! In the Middle we have the Country Music Capitol of the World! There is a plateau in this part of our state. In the East, which is where I live, we have the Smoky Mountain National Park and the Cherokee State Park. Our mountains, lakes and rivers make us a very popular vacation spot for people every where.
We have traveled throughout most of FL, so I understand why you are so proud of this great state. I love the beaches! I have one cousin in Ft. Myers and another in Jacksonville. My husband has tons of family members in the Orlando area.
God created a lot of varied sites for us to enjoy in this great country and around the world.
I'm from a small town in central Texas, near Waco, and seven miles from Crawford, Texas (I think everyone knows where Crawford is LOL.
I really like reading your blog. I've been slack on mine, but it's been an unusually busy spring and summer.
It's 52 degrees right now and feels wonderful. Hope the summer heat is gone until next year.
Minnesota Gal here...I should check out the thingy...
Deb :)
I am from SE Michigan. We live right off one of the Great Lakes.
I keep forgetting to check the new Stats feature. it is fun to see where everyone comes from!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Southeast Texas where, for the first time today, it's feeling a bit fallish.
I love the IBWACKY tag! Too funny! You shared one of my favorite tags - Save our Manatees. My other favorite is the Spay/Neuter tag. We have a LOT of tags and it can be hard to pick just one!
~ Tracy
I never knew about that STATS link. I'll definitely check it out! And I'm from Illinois!
Thanks for coming over to Three Pixie Lane! I have visited your lovely site before and am a new follower! I recently noticed the stats and it is so amazing! I love that you have scripture on here! I post a 'Life Lessons' with scripture on Sundays. To think that it might reach someone in the far reaches of this world...well, that is just too cool!
Hi Jocelyn,
I didn't know that was there. That was really fun! I like the license plates. The parents making a difference one is funny. You know me I am all over the place. I was originally from Wyoming and currently in North Dakota. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!
I never noticed that before! Thanks for pointing it out. In my heart, I'm a Tennessean. TN feels like home even though I now reside in TX.
I had no idea that was even there, how fun! Thanks for pointing this out. Love all the FL license plates. We have quite a few in MI too. On our cars, we have plates from Japan and Australia on the front, lol, in addition to the MI plates on the back - gotta love ebay!
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