I am filled today. This morning I opened the window in my family room and let the rays of sunshine flood in. It's not really very warm, but I just had to breathe in the smells of Spring. And then, as I was sitting here reading some of your delightful blogs, I heard it. The sweet melody of renewal.

This little Blue Jay was singing his little heart out. Singing and drawing my ear to the wonders of God's world. Oh how I love to hear the birds sing. They don't need to read music, or tune their instrument. They just follow the Great Conductor and sing their songs of love and praise.
And so I am filled. Filled with the warmth of the sunshine and the music of the little creatures.
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. " 2 Cor. 4:6
Love your bird photo!
Ah what a sweet post - I've so missed hearing the birds over winter!
I've so enjoyed hearing the birdsongs again after the winter.
Spring can't be far away once the birds start singing!! Lovely post.
I love to hear the birds singing in the morning, what a wonderful start to the day! It is amazing what God has given us to enjoy.
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