Monday, May 13, 2024

A Provincial Peer


I so enjoyed A Provincial Peer, by Sian Ann Bessey, and learned a lot from her diligent research.

Lord Benedict Benning is more involved in his farming estate than his title. As a gentleman in the 1700's, he is expected to be in the social circle but finds himself helping with calving and milking. When little Meg wanders into his estate, he is instantly charmed. He is intrigued by the veiled woman who comes looking for her.

Caroline Granger and her daughter Meg returned to her father's vicarage after she loses her husband to small pox which has left her severely scarred. She was Benedict's younger brothers playmate when they were children. She is drawn to Benedicts kindness and compassion. But Caroline must place her trust in God as she seeks a measure of peace for her future, and her heart. 

This was such a captivating romance, where one's outward appearance was not the focus. I loved the well developed main characters as they make their way through the ravages of the dreaded disease. This is the first book by Bessey that I have read and will be reading more. She has a very distinct writing style with apparent lots of research of the time period.  A nice, light hearted, clean faith based story, tender with a bit of humor and mystery. I definitely recommend this story.  

I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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