The marking on the bottom says -
James Kent
Made in England
So you can see it looks like it might be a small vase.
If anyone can shed some light on this lovely piece, I would appreciate it.
Please be sure to stop by Coloradolady's blog and visit the other great Vintage Thingies :-)
Pretty sure it's a vase...very unique for sure. You can google all the printing on the bottom of it and that may tell you what it is for sure.
Deb :)
I think it is a vase and it is so uniquely design. Happy Thursday!
VTT~Old Juicer
Jocelyn, I hope somebody comes along and solves the mystery! Whatever it is, it's gorgeous and would look lovely with flowers in it or sitting on a shelf!
Happy VTT!
OMG! It is gorgeous! I'm pretty sure it's a vase. James Kent is highly collectible. You got a great deal! Enjoy!
It just has to be a vase,doesn't it???
Whatever it is, it's gorgeous. It will be beautiful just sitting..and I think you did really well to find something so pretty. Happy VTT, have a wonderful weekend..
At first, I thought it might hold decorative eggs, but I think a vase once I saw the top view, it is truly beautiful, and what a great it when that happens. Have a great VTT!
I don't think it looks like a vase, but I don't know what else it could be.
I have a double vase that is Roseville. I think that's what this is. Great collectible, great deal!
Wow, that's stunning! At first I thought a double egg cup but then I saw the top view and change my vote to vase as well. It's official, it's a vase, lol! Happy VTT!
No matter what it is, it is beautiful! And a great find wth a great price!
I think its a vase too! What a great find and bargin! Blessings, Vicky
An egg cup fit for a king! lol!
I pretty sure its a double bud vase and I'm positive its lovely!
Its lovely! I say vase too, but I like the egg cup theory!!
First of all: Great find! i also thinks it's a vase...Happy VTT!
although you could use it for a vase, it is in fact a double egg holder. they are used to serve soft boiled is rare to see one in the states, as there are popular in england, hence the marking on the bottom ...
i've seen ones turned into gorgeous pin cushions...
lucky you...i've been looking for a vintage beauty for years...
My first thoughts were egg cups, but the cup part may be too large for eggs. I would use it however you want to. Flowers would look lovely in it. Congratulations, Jocelyn, on a terrific treasure and buy! Blessings and love, Vicki
I have no idea what it is but looks to me like you have an excellent goodwill. Good prices and good stuff :) Happy VTT!
Beautiful vintage find! My first thought was egg cup also.
The only thing I came up with that does not even come close is this,cs%3DPottery,id%3D5.html&usg=__dfbIbKFNr2PRZniK_VYPPcYic_U=&h=85&w=106&sz=3&hl=en&start=26&itbs=1&tbnid=uBXj3UJyJPw8RM:&tbnh=67&tbnw=84&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJames%2BKent%2BStaffordshire%2Bdouble%2Bvase%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1
Its a double cup vase.
I thought it was an egg holder.??
It's yours, that's what it is!
It is beautiful. I have no idea what the original purpose was but you can use it however you want and if someone says it is supposed to be something else just tell them you are re-purposing it!
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