For several years I would host a Christmas tea. It was a fun time to renew friendships and enjoy lunch together.
Please join Kim at Shabby Pink and Pretty as she hosts Tea Things Tuesday. It is always a delight as the other ladies show their beautiful tea wares. I always enjoy visiting with them, sharing a cup of tea and enjoying their sweet hospitality :-)
What a pretty tea you have put together! You table is lovely and all your friends smiling faces are the best!
It all looks so wonderful and lovely.
Sure wish I could be there enjoying a cup with you all too!
Hi Jocelyn,
Your tea looks wonderful. How fun you could do this. So nice that you had a good example in your mother-in-law and that you took advantage of the opportunity to learn from her. Happy Tea Things Tuesday!
Ok, fess up, which one of those ladies in that picture is you? Or are you the photographer? The table looks lovely, and I would so enjoy being a part of it! I wish I had heard of that endearment, "mother-in-love", a few years ago, because my MIL was such a sweetie and would have loved being called that! Sadly she has passed away, and I really miss her!
Hi Jocelyn,
What a lovely tea! Your friends all look quite content sitting there with their smiling faces. What fun! Would love to join you! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely week.
Looks like a fun tea. A nice way to spend the afternoon.
What a lovely tea......everyone looks so happy and enjoying themselves..... your table looks amazing and the food made me hungry. Thanks for sharing your 'tea'.
Have a great day!
I'm a follower of your Blog now.
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